Increased sustainability through a tailor-made series of module seminars including Coaching sessions.

Experience has shown that regular seminars anchor work and knowledge together and people get stronger in their development.

This is how The Master Way was created. In intervals of about 2 months, topics of the modules are trained and reviewed again and again.

Individuals can further train, practice and internalize their needs with Christian Daniel Mayer in individual coaching sessions between the modules.

Lean Management

Topics regarding Lean Management are holistically implemented in a company by The Master Way.

For the company this means: More efficient processes, development and living the own company’s culture and a dynamic cooperation (with each other instead of against each other).

Employees: are encouraged and strengthened in their further development, teamwork and personal responsibility.

Leaders: learn to lead by example and to motivate with enthusiasm.

Your advantages:

  • Increased sustainability through recurring training
  • Building trust through long-term support
  • Targeted coaching of individuals to support their activities and tasks
  • Regular meetings of teams and departments within the company
  • Regular exchange within the teams
  • Review of what has been learned and its implementation/anchoring

Our formats:

  • Modular seminar series
  • Module structure based on the contents of our training methods (individual)
  • Seminar blocks at intervals of about 2 months over the period of one year
  • Between the blocks, private coaching sessions with team leaders and individuals take place to support their function and tasks


The Master Way